Sunday, February 14, 2010

In Conclusion

It's moving toward bedtime as the close of the JOOOP weekend draws near.

What a perfectly lovely, relaxing weekend this has been!

As promised, I did not get dressed in anything more fancy than a fresh pair of comfies after a long soak in a very bubbly bubble bath.

I made one phone call to my mother this evening to wish her a happy birthday.

I sent a few e-mails but did not respond to others.

I spoke to Lex occasionally but only when I wanted to and he respected my wish to be quiet by staying out of my space except to roust Vinny every once in awhile.

I Facebooked a little, blogged a lot, read some, watched a couple of movies, ate an obscene amount of cheese, drank an even more obscene amount of wine, drank coffee, and napped then napped some more.

And as I sit here sipping a cup of chamomile tea, I feel as though my life is perfect...happy and filled with beautiful people and wonderful things.

I am re-energized and once again ready for the world that awaits me.

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