Saturday, December 03, 2011

It's a Good Day

It's snowing.

Today is the December birthdays Boozy Brunch and Bar Crawl along Broadway starting at noon. But, at 19º and snow? I'm thinking a much better plan will be to stay right here in my comfy pants and tattered, pink robe drinking hot coffee, hot tea, and hot chocolate toddies.

But that's just me.

I love being housebound due to inclement weather. It rarely happens. Most of the time, when snow flies, it's on a weekday and I find myself slipping and sliding along icy sidewalks and snow-packed streets just like the rest of the 9-5 drones out to make a decent living.

So today, because I don't have to go anywhere and I've got no pressing chores to check off my list, it'll be a lazy, wrapped in blankets, reading and/or watching old movies day. I've just finished putting up chicken and dumplings in the crock pot. It's one of Lex's favorite meals and he hardly ever gets it...mostly because I'm too lazy after work to make the biscuits. Won't he be pleased when he gets out of bed and figures out what's in store later for himself?

It's likely.

Oh! Maybe I'll take a page from Krista and Jess and make it a popcorn ball and Hitchcock double feature day! Mmmm...popcorn and Hitchcock. Doesn't that sound like a perfectly sound way to spend a day? Although, I'm lacking in the light corn syrup department so I'll probably just stick to Owen's kettle corn...except I've got leftover pecans from Thanksgiving and I think I'll toast some of those up to throw in with the goodness.

Don't you wish you were at my house?


alienbody said...

Yes, I do wish I was there! I'd be perfectly happy sitting around sipping hot spiked anything. But today, I'm off to the city (know as San Francisco in these here parts) to window shop, real shop, eat and watch people - because we don't have snow and ice. Enjoy your day!

Masked Mom said...

Sounds glorious...:)

On a side note, a friend wanted to make popcorn balls a few years ago but needed a recipe so she googled "popcorn balls." Perhaps not surprisingly, most of the links led to slightly more X-rated places than she had intended to go.(Related: the website for Dick's sporting goods is NOT

Gaelyn said...

I love sitting around days. Snowing on and off here too. Pretty to look at from inside where it's warm. Enjoy.

Unknown said...

Ha-ha that Masked Mom! A co-worker wanted to supply hot drinks for our meeting and Googled "Hot Chocolate." Boy, was she surprised at what came up on the computer screen.
I like those confined to home days, too. Definitely not a hardship on me, but perhaps on my waistline. Love me some Hitchcock movies, as well. Saw one for the first time the other day-- "Stage Fright" with Marlene Dietrich. Not one of his best, but still entertaining.
Stay warm, lady!

Lucy said...

Hot toddies!! Popcorn or kettle corn and HITCHCOCK, I love HITCHCOCK!!!! I would be over in a second!!!

TangledLou said...

That sounds like an absolutely glorious day. (I don't really care that Masked Mom said that first, because I thought it hours ago when I first read this and didn't type a comment because there was some sort of Lego-related crisis that broke out and I got distracted.)
My favorite Christmas ever was a few years ago when the whole city got snowed in for a week and we all just did our Christmas shopping on foot and built snowmen and drank lots and lots of cocoa.

Frances D said...

I'm a December b-day, who lives in NYC on Broadway, who loves Hitchcock, popcorn balls and making her signature chicken and dumplings.
Separated at birth perhaps ;-)

cdnkaro said...

I am more than a little jealous...enjoy your relaxing day! I am also holed up in my home, however I'm attempting a dozen or so turkey pot pies with 4 children and a puppy...warm, but a bit less relaxing;)

Ernie Hendrix said...

19 degrees! And to think I was complaining about our 42 degrees and overcast. But those "lazy, wrapped in blanket" days can be so wonderful. No obligations, no responsibilities, just a warm drink (I'm a coffee person) and a sweet snack with the occasional nap thrown in. Oh, yeah!!

Jenn and Casey said...

Sounds like a lovely day! I like being snowed in, too!