That's right. You heard it here first. Jane In Her Infinite Wisdom is now a...I don't know what...franchise?
Something. Doesn't matter.
Now, whatever you do, DON'T PANIC. I am not deserting this space. I <3 this space. Nowhere else can I ramble on for pages about the randomosity that is my life.
However, you all know - or many of you do - money's been on my mind a lot as of late. And some of you know I have made the commitment to fight my way out of debt, sacrificing lots of things I love (Church o' Brunch) in order to do so.
What I am discovering is that I feel like I've got a lot to say about this decision and this process. I've got my plan in place and I've begun working the plan. Part of that plan is to hold myself accountable to it. In order to be accountable then, I need to talk about it, share the journey, make myself report on my progress. Because hiding in shame, allowing myself to avoid paying attention, hasn't really worked all that well for me.
But I didn't want this place to become only that.
So I created Jane In Her Infinite Budget.
If you're interested, go take a look and keep track of me. Feedback, comments, and site suggestions are all welcome. Criticism about how much debt I'm carrying is not. I already know it's bad. No need to rub it in.
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