Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Revenge of the NYE Eve Plague v2.0

I am sick.


I woke up this morning to a swollen moon face that can only mean one thing - Sinus Infection.

So, even though I slept 4 hours this afternoon, and even though I haven't written in a couple of days, I'm going to crawl in my bed with a book and some Mucinex and some hot tea with honey and lemon.

I leave you instead with a fuzzy picture of Spux getting his head licked (and licked and licked) by Lebowski.

The Dude Abides

Enjoy. TTYL


Gaelyn said...

Sending you chicken soup for the nose. Please don't snort it all at once. Sometimes I truly hate my sinuses.

Anonymous said...

feel better soon!
I'm supervising in student clinic 9a - 4p tommorrw and there might be some openings. Or come see me Thurs at either 3p or 3:30p.
My gimyness will make it all better. ;- )

Masked Mom said...

Ugh. Sinuses. Sending boogie-free wishes your way.

cdnkaro said...

The label was amusing- even when feeling uggy, you still bring a smile to my face:) Feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon. Do we really need sinuses?! Ugh.

Michael said...

Sorry you're not feeling well :( Saline sinus rinses work really well if you're into that sort of thing. Mix one cup water with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Mix well and squirt. Just make sure you're leaning over a sink. Feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

*sending virtual chicken soup* Oh, and hugs.

Jenn and Casey said...

Feel better!!!

Laine Griffin said...

UGGGHH! Feel better! Nice photo!

alienbody said...

Phooey on sick, just phooey. My cat Bekky (spelling courtesy of my daughter) loves to lick things, especially hands and couches. All of my cats are just plain weird. Feel better soon!