Saturday, May 05, 2012

Now I've Gone and Done It

I've started something.

It was completely unintentional initially. Just the usual sitting down to write a blog entry. But, as I began to write, it became abundantly clear almost immediately this entry was going to have to be in parts. So then I started writing on two parts and those parts were long and long and long and still not finished.  

And then it dawned on me what I had.

This was no series of blog entries.

No. THIS was a book.

Another book.

I'm writing two books at the same time.

Who is this person and what has she done with Jane?


TangledLou said...

Holy crap! The same thing happened to me this week, too! Must be something in the air. Congrats and best wishes with your new mammoth undertaking!

Just Jane said...

Yay! That's terrific, Lou! Now we can pull out our collective hair together.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to reserve my copy right now, please. You'll sign it for me, won't you?

Gaelyn said...

Signed copies for me too please.

I need to find time to write.

Unknown said...

Jane, you are fearless. Go get 'em, tiger. I'm pre-ordering my book along with the rest of the gang. Here's a hug!

cdnkaro said...

So exciting! And I agree with Beth:) I'll be able to say I knew you when...Go, you!

Margi said...

Yes! And yay! And I want a signed copy, too. ;-)

Sleepy Joe said...

I love it when things just sneak up on you when you are not looking. Heaps of luck coming your way...I have a feeling you are going to need it!

Lucy said...

Oh, my gosh, now that is exciting, can't wait to read it!!!

Celeste Neumann said...

I know that sort of distraction... and then you're in the middle of both, and suddenly you meant some sort of fascinating personality on-line (like Jane) and then you seem to get little done. LOL!

Julie DeMille said...

Good luck with that. I have a hard enough time with one.

Masked Mom said...

I used to be able to READ two books at once and now even THAT seems impossible. May the Force be with you, Jane. So looking forward to the results.