Thursday, March 01, 2012

Wait...You Found Me How?! February 2012

Oh, yes. It's time, once again, for the monthly round up of the Google Analytics keyword searches that brought all the weirdos to my yard. Come to momma, all you freaks 'n geeks!

1. crazy cat lady mug - Hey! I take exception to that! I have a cat and I'm crazy but my mug has nothing to do

2. did you know that my winer is small - Huh. No, I can't say that I did know that about you, whoever you are. PS What's a winer?

3. fuck you kitty you're gonna spend the night outside - Now I KNOW I never said that. As an aside, I love how people type in entire sentences like this, like they are talking to an actual live person, and expect what? I don't even know. Maybe they expect...

4. gas station wisdom - Hrmmm...don't light a cigarette while you're pumping, drinking, or drenched in gas? In other words, don't be This Guy.

5. grey hair doesn't curl - FALSE

And, finally, my personal favorite:

6. please be patient I'm fucking things up as fast as I can - I don't know how you found me but it's true. I'm going as fast as I can so please be just a little patient.

PS I've noticed several bloggers are now doing the monthly wrap up. Are y'all interested in doing a link up? I dunno how to do a link up but I'm willing to figure it out if you want to do it.


Anonymous said...

Good ones! I peek to see mine almost daily and then write down any that seem even mildly interesting. By month's end, the list usually reads like a crazy manifesto.

Oh, and I'd love to participate in a "You Found Me How?!" linky thingy.

Bon said...

You have the best Google search terms! :)

cdnkaro said...

Ditto! I don't know how to do it either, but would love to participate. Have you ever tried to do a backwards search for these terms and find your blog that way? Sometimes I can't and that drives me insane. Does the fact that I do this make me crazy? I do have 3 cats. Uh oh, I'm turning

Gaelyn said...

I can't even get into Google Analytics. But, works for me on Thrifty Thursday. I think.

Shari said...

I think #6 should be my new all purpose tagline. :P

Celeste Neumann said...

6. Please be patient I'm fucking things up as fast as I can - That wasn't me - but if you need help with this, I translated a German instruction book for this. :D

Barfly said...

Whew, You haven't found my searches yet....

Just Jane said...

WN: I force myself not to look until month end. It's like opening a huge present once a month :).

Bon: I do get some highly amusing ones.

Karo: I have a couple of times but because of Google's optimization, I'm not sure how well it works. And yes, it's possible we are turning into each other *laughing*.

Lucy said...

I just get such a kick out of this, it is funny to see how people search but then again I am sure people would find some of my searches interesting,wait,that sounds wrong, so wrong LOL

@NativeMikeAdams said...


@NativeMikeAdams said... I just looked on the google key search words and I was surprised to find that several people have found me by searching, "an opinion is like my penis"


Masked Mom said...

You guys should do your link-up and I'll do a post every month whining about how envious I am about everyone else's searches. :) (Still uvulas and neglected husbands over at my place. Would be thrilled if we could at least graduate to neglected husband's uvulas or husband's neglected uvulas.)

Jenn and Casey said...

I'm down for a link up!

Laine Griffin said...

Those are freaking hilarious.
I always forget to do something like this! I would love a link-up.