A history lesson (in brief):
When I started this blog in 2008, I was dating someone I liked very much. His name is Cripes. It wasn't long afterward though that he and I got into an argument and *POOF* he called a halt on the relationship. It was over and done without discussion.
A year later, out of the blue, he gets back in touch. He acts like he wants to try again. We try. He fails. Especially after he stood me up twice and then forgot my birthday.
I was done and I told him so.
So here we are, two years later, I've gladly heard nary a peep from him during that time...until this morning when he texts me an embarrassingly (for him) inappropriate message.
And I'm like...what? Huh? Really? REALLY?!
Cripes, Cripes! It's over. Get a clue.
It's time to just let me be the song you sing one day.
The right guy is out there. Stop looking.
Dating does suck. But hopefully this was a nice stroke to your ego:)
Some gals are just hard to forget and you're one of them. Accept it and enjoy it. Him? He's a creep. You? You're a treasure.
(Ms) Ernie
The best thing about this is how much you don't need him. Not even a little, not even for a small while. :) Props to you for not getting sucked back in to a situation you know you're too good for! This is a win! :)
Ugh - I like men a lot but really? all (or pretty much all) of them are clueless. HOle on to your strength and independence. It's worth a lot.
See, I am always the person thinking, two years? Why now? What is up? I hope you run but I don't know all the details so I just wish you the best :)
First one year and then two. He's on schedule to send you flowers in 2015. Jackwagon.
You're like a box of fine chocolates, he just keeps coming back for more.
You've probably seen this, but true wisdom never gets old.
"Here’s all you have to know about men and women: women are crazy, men are stupid. And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid."
–George Carlin
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